Monday, November 1, 2010

2010 Halloween

I am leading with a little sample of the goods so you have time to digest it before you get to the full Team Gore family meal platter of witchery.

Oh, I know. I know! Right? Right. Now, Halloween is not just all costumes and disgracing yourself in front of strangers for candy.

There's also committed time at the pumpkin patch to find the perfect small, orange gourd that you can stab into and turn its insides into its outsides.

(See? Stab stab stab stab stab...)

If you are a future world leader with a good head on her shoulders (that is cuter than most heads), then there are also other exciting autumnal activities at the pumpkin patch, like conquering a noble steed. (Check out her paparazzi-blocking handwave! What's up, Veronica? Did Goldie tell the paps where you were??)

Or giving goats an insecurity complex.

But mostly, ultimately, it's about looking too effing sweet for words and laughing with your friends. (Hi, Alabama!)

Oh, and about revealing to the neighbors (Practical Magic-style) that your "family" is actually more of a "coven".

Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

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