Friday, January 18, 2008


I'm in Park City, Utah and it's 2 degrees out. That's TWO degrees, total. However, I think of this little bean safe and snuggly back and LA and it floods me with warmth.

Look at those little legs and the bee stripes! Cute, cute. It's crazy to see her sitting up, the buppa chair (not real name, I've totally forgotten it) helps her spine strengthen plus she feels like a total playa.

What a cheeky little girl! And I mean both flirtatiously and a bit jowley... kiss kiss kiss her face. She's sporting this AMAZING dress that Kathy Hendricks made (that woman is genius), and having tummy time.

She's a bird! She's a plane! She's a yoga practioner! Hold on, though, you really need the full view of this dress to understand it's an item of clothing that matches the cuteness of our girl.

Come ON! That little laugh face is sooooo good. I miss her so much already! Thanks so much for the text Amanda, I miss all you guys when it's all crazy. And now for something completely different - Veronica's first nakey bum picture!

Look at how cute and tiny and perfect! Sweet little girl. They look so fresh and so clean... but don't forget, they're still punk rock.

Ooooh, you look so tough, Amanda!

Now I like to pretend I'm Veronica's #1 fan, but I know I share that position with many others. Fine, fine. I'll let her teach me how to share. I'm 32; it's probably about time.

What's with putting ears on babies? And why is it so cute every time? It must be primal. Anyway, if someone could knit me a bodysuit with ears, I'd wear it every day up here. FREEZING. (I probably wouldn't look so inherently kissable, though.)

Now look at this little vixen! See what I mean about kissable? NO ONE can resist! Of course, this may come back to haunt her later, what if these boys start talking to each other.... hooootie hooo.

So Lazlo knows what's up, and he ain't playing coy. However, I can't deny it when I tell you that this image:

Only makes me think of this image:

HAHAHAHA! Okay, killing myself. And since I know I'm for sure going to get a loud "hello, no!" from numerous sources, I'll end with some sweetness.

Have fun! Stay warm! I miss you, Team Gore!


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

It's Raining... Rain

If you've been in Los Angeles for the last week, than you know it's been raining like it's going out of style. If you're not in Los Angeles... then you're probably dryer than us. Luckily, Baby V has got her a fashionable little rain hat to keep her sweet head protected and warm.

So cute! So reversible! Of course, she just puts it on as a form of a racing cap when she saddles up Chester to ride him around the house.

Poor little Cheddar... now for a picture that I think should elicit the same level of sighing jealousy in all Veronica admirers that it did in me.

Lucky, lucky grandma! Lucky, lucky baby, too... what a warm little place for a snuggle and a nap. Actually, that reminds me - Kathleen has so far been insisting on "Grandmother" as her official V title, but have her say it for you when you're around her, because it's much more Little Red Riding Hood than East Coast Old Money. Hilarious.

This is my new favorite picture in the world, and completely self-explanatory. Like mother, like daughter!


Monday, January 7, 2008

New Year's Catch Up

Welcome to 2008! By now, everyone should be acclimated and breathing easier... this is officially the second year that Veronica has lived in, which officially means it's a good one. Her new year's resolution was to read more, so she got started right away.

I think everyone would nerd out with some book love if they had a little snuggler next to them to help turn pages. With the new year comes new outings; Team Gore took little Veronica to MOCA to check out the Murakami exhibit. This also means that Amanda has perfected her diaper-changing-anywhere technique, and Kathleen's Prius has proved a capable changing ground.

It works! It works! Although Veronica looking so comfortable in nothing but underwear and socks in the backseat of a car is cute now but something we will be warning her against in the future, fear not.

So Murakami was insane and I would love to get a peek at little V's dreams after ingesting the artwork, although maybe that's what baby's dreams look like, anyway.

Seriously, can you imagine seeing all these at about 50 feet high when you were just three months old? Of course, she had an even weirder view, as she was coasting along on her back in the stroller. Ahhh, the stroller. For some reason, MOCA made it very difficult for any wheel-born person or infant to gain access, so Dave King and I got to shlup the stroller up tons of stairs.

There were soooo many, don't let this photo fool you. And no, this service is not available for others so if you happen to be out with me don't think I will piggyback your lazy butt up any stairs. The best part of this was that both Amanda and Saucy were circling the carrying endeavor with their cameras and taking paparazzi shots. Because that's what every girl wants; photos taken behind her, of her carrying things up a stairwell. Hot.

But worth it! Definitely worth it, plus Amanda let me carry Veronica through one of the other exhibits which was dreamy for me - museums are way more fun with a baby, I'm telling you. Especially a perfect baby like V.

As previously mentioned, Amanda's car has been janky as of late, but luckily with Dave King in town she had someone to capture how unenthused she was over needing to take it in for repairs. She also had someone to capture Veronica "presenting" the surplus store; Dave always has someone present the event or meal or whatever that is about to be enjoyed.

Better than Vanna White, for sure! The main reason Dave was visiting was for New Year's, which Amanda, Amber, Hannah, Dave, Saucy and I rang in together at their awesome friend Erin's place. Before hand, however, were a couple of necessary photo ops. One was the Christian Rock Bank pose of AAH&D. Fine, fine. You guys are much better at this than me.

Another was this fantastic action pose at New Year's; have you ever seen one of those shooters mid-shoot??

And here are all five of us (thanks for taking the pic, Saucy!)... our first photo shoot of 2008. Shortly hereafter, I was kicked out of the band. Thanks a lot, Hannah.

However, here are my last favorite couple of images from 2007. One is a girl showing off her new hair accessories.

The other is the best Madonna and Child shot since that Vanity Fair cover Madonna did with Lourdes. Party 'til dawn, girls!

And finally, I know I mentioned it a few weeks ago, but Rodney was nice enough to send in the fabulous final product of their Santa posing that was a Christmas present for Kathleen. I think it's so hilarious and perfect!

That should be the end of the holiday pics, promise!
