Thursday, April 24, 2008

veronica's malibu adventure

since drea is still on her own big adventure, here are some pics to tide you over. v had a great time sitting in on nicollette's big photo spread for uk in style. the photographer could not get over her natural beauty!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

playing the role of drea this week is (big announcer voice) AMANDA GORE

this is veronica's friend nico. they are totally bffs already and beg their moms for playdates. they are really advanced!

this is the rocking chair that nicollette got for v. she is now a rocking addict.

see i might have to bring her to r.c.a.a soon.

My mom tells me that this is how she used to transport us in the old days. looks like it still works!

seriously, have you ever seen such a happy girl. it must be all the time she spends with her grandmother.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Food & Emotions

Very exciting news and developments! First off, our girl Veronica has finally come to her senses, to the point of being able to express a new emotion: disgust. The beneficiary of this reaction? Rodney, of course! (He's earned it over time... See: posing her with hair weave, cigarette, etc). The results:

Part two in the world of thrilling updates? The girl is now rocking some solid food! As previously mentioned (I think I previously mentioned it, anyway), she had her a bit of mushed, organic banana right after her 6 mos. mark... and has now moved onto sweet potatoes. The train goes choo choo choo down the tracks into the tunnel...

... she tastes, she gums, she mashes. But does she like?

She likes! She likes! A bit of a sweet tooth... a girl after my own heart. Saving the best update for last, I must say. What can be better than registering disgust or packing away some sweet potatoes, you ask?

This past Sunday... Veronica said "mama"! Thrilling applause all around, we couldn't be more pleased, and now Amanda has heard her new name from her little girl. Too cute.


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

March Madness

I won't say it was intentional, but the results of a long departure from Veronica blogging mean that there is a wealth of photo images documenting her fun last month! I start you with this little beauty, whom Amanda described as "the little girl who lives in the hood".

Not only do I want to visit The Hood now, so I can find this baby and steal her for my own, I also want to point out that it is Veronica who is rocking the gangster bandana.

More tactile by the day, our girl V now handles cups with ease!

This next one kills me because it's a) so cute and b) so killing Amanda to be carrying a PARASOL about town.

Um, Merchant Ivory much? I feel like Helena Bonham Carter should appear behind them and ask if they want to hop in her carriage. (But the corsetted HBC, not the crazy-haired one... who also wears corsets. Damn. I digress.)

These pics are from when the girls visited Amanda's friend Sara Tunes... this gorgeous little red-haired moppet is her son Kaden.

And the teeny tiny baby in the pic (Veronica is no longer smallest!) is Sara's little girl Zoe. Seriously, Veronica is no longer smallest?!

The budding Hollywood mover-and-shaker that she is, Veronica was adamant that she get to visit the DH set again. Being a compliant mama, Amanda agreed... here she is with friend Tara Nicole.

And here she is with Bobbie! I really wonder what it's going to be like when Veronica isn't so easily held and passed around... or maybe she'll just be suffering through her high school graduation, with all of us insisting she sit on our laps and try and make her laugh.

Some of us (ahem, me) like to stay on top of the game in regards to trying to make V laugh... and take long lunch breaks to head over to Willoughby Manner to do so!

Now, there was some worry that Auntie Amber's blog ban was still in effect but it's April and I've slipped them in before, and plus she is so cute! And strong! What a pusher that girl is. The good kind, of course.

Oh, and you did see that correctly: Veronica is fully wearing her some sunglasses. It's the craziest thing, I don't know any other babies (or toddlers... or grumpy adults) that don't tear them off their face, but she must just know how great she looks in them.

Yeah! This is a Drea Special picture, as two of my greatest gamma friends - Roberta and Emily - came to visit and Kathleen let us invade her day and take over in baby-drooling duties. (I mean, we were cleaning up the drool, not that we were drooling on the baby. Although we kind of were. Again, I digress.)

Baby Eaten by Blanket! Film at 11...

Then again, can you blame the blanket?! Who doesn't want to nibble on the cuteness! Seriously, pictures like this make me wonder if we shouldn't just be dressing her up like flowers and selling calendars. Then again, it might sully her amateur status when we start getting into pageants.

Baby Gets Payback from Blanket Scandal by Eating Grandmother! Film at 11...

Nom nom nom munchmunch urrm gravity nosekiss...

If you're catching a gnawing theme, you're right on. However, all of Veronica's gummy struggles have finally been rewarded - she got her first tooth! It's a lower one, but it's perfect. We're having it certified, even.

I don't have to tell you what date this was from - that's right, Veronica's first St. Patrick's Day! Complete, of course, with the perfect outfit...

... and the perfect accessory! In your face, liquor laws!

And the world's happiest baby is: Veronica! Seriously, have you ever exuded this much happiness? Don't you wish you could?

Maybe you would be that happy if you had a stuffed animal to chase around the house! And yes, she is practically crawling, crazy right??

How great is that fort?! How much do you want a fort?!

Yeah, she's all chill in her fort, sipping on some water. That's right: sipping!

Sipping... and bouncing on Nigel. Bouncing! Man, she's an active little thing. There's no slowing her down...

Unless she's with her mama...

... Or her grandmother. Knocked out little bean!

She's growing up fast, but she still is a sweet little baby.

Will leave you with this one because she is sleeping AND she is punk rock... like mother, like daughter!
