Monday, November 1, 2010

Veronica's Day to Day

I got the chance to observe the Veronifica Stanleygorus in her natural environment last week. It made me wonder about what she gets up to on her day to day now that she is an exceptionally sassy three year old.

She looks meek here, right? DECEPTION. She is crafty; she gets around. But sometimes that works better with a partner in crime.

Here she is, luring in young Shay. Wary but still corruptible.

Look at her in her triumph! She, in fact, made you look. She made us all look. NO PANTS, y'all. Busted.

The Veronifica is used to observation. Do you think she would don this urban camouflage if she doubted its effect? Do not underestimate this creature!

She is also highly trained in the arts of showmanship, dancery and areyoukiddingmewiththoselegwarmers. You never know when one of these skills will be called into play in the wild.

Best of all, the Veronifica is a committed and loyal member of an extended pack. Her she is engaging in the "Flower Girl" custom for her uncle Chet's wedding to the fair Mandy. V supporters to the core and we all send them so much love.


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