Saturday, January 16, 2010

San Diego Zoo

If you're wondering if Veronica has been to more places and done more cool things by age two than you have in your whole life - you're right. She has. Sorry, sucker.

This is her, befriending a big ape. So sweet, that girl.

This is her, befriending the photo of a lion cub on a vending machine. So confused, that girl. (She chose this photo location, for the record.)

Here she is, possibly thinking she's in a cage. Again: confused. But soooooo cute. (Which is what really matters.) Now: more video!

Cute! And confused!

All good outings should end like this, I think.

Now, in a similarly themed but separate trip to the wild animal park...

Veronica asks to have her picture taken in front of an ATM. (Fine, it was probably the gorilla that enticed her but oh my god my money is not going on her being an art director. Which is okay because she needs to concentrates on pageants, anyway.)

Maybe her pageant talent could be animal wrangling?

I loooooove this picture. And so I end on it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks again, Drea!! I had no idea about McDonald's....