Monday, November 1, 2010

2010 Halloween

I am leading with a little sample of the goods so you have time to digest it before you get to the full Team Gore family meal platter of witchery.

Oh, I know. I know! Right? Right. Now, Halloween is not just all costumes and disgracing yourself in front of strangers for candy.

There's also committed time at the pumpkin patch to find the perfect small, orange gourd that you can stab into and turn its insides into its outsides.

(See? Stab stab stab stab stab...)

If you are a future world leader with a good head on her shoulders (that is cuter than most heads), then there are also other exciting autumnal activities at the pumpkin patch, like conquering a noble steed. (Check out her paparazzi-blocking handwave! What's up, Veronica? Did Goldie tell the paps where you were??)

Or giving goats an insecurity complex.

But mostly, ultimately, it's about looking too effing sweet for words and laughing with your friends. (Hi, Alabama!)

Oh, and about revealing to the neighbors (Practical Magic-style) that your "family" is actually more of a "coven".

Happy Halloween!

Veronica's Day to Day

I got the chance to observe the Veronifica Stanleygorus in her natural environment last week. It made me wonder about what she gets up to on her day to day now that she is an exceptionally sassy three year old.

She looks meek here, right? DECEPTION. She is crafty; she gets around. But sometimes that works better with a partner in crime.

Here she is, luring in young Shay. Wary but still corruptible.

Look at her in her triumph! She, in fact, made you look. She made us all look. NO PANTS, y'all. Busted.

The Veronifica is used to observation. Do you think she would don this urban camouflage if she doubted its effect? Do not underestimate this creature!

She is also highly trained in the arts of showmanship, dancery and areyoukiddingmewiththoselegwarmers. You never know when one of these skills will be called into play in the wild.

Best of all, the Veronifica is a committed and loyal member of an extended pack. Her she is engaging in the "Flower Girl" custom for her uncle Chet's wedding to the fair Mandy. V supporters to the core and we all send them so much love.


Birthday Follow-up

Veronica's buddy Roger made an amazing video about her third birthday, so obviously it deserves a place on the blog!

High-five, Roger.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Veronica is now 3!

As everyone knows, I don't follow a Gregorian calendar (in which the new year begins on January 1)... I follow the Veronician calendar (in which the new year begins on September 21). With that, my new year's resolution for 3 AV (After Veronica, duh) is to be a better blogger for The Cutest Girl In The World (TM pending but merits are irrefutable).

Because Team Gore remain the undisputed champs of theme parties, this year's was at The Little Barn, thus lots of gingham and farm accoutrements.

Veronica's adorable vintage romper courtesy of Dena Green, who is ironically in Hair and not Wardrobe.

Though in this shot, Dena is neither in Hair nor Wardrobe, but rather ear-deep in Balls. Ahem. (Pictured with Ethan, Lazslo and a precarious set of sunglasses.)

Lady V got her time in the mess o' plastic bubbles as well, and was ridiculously fearless about jumping into them blindly. Here she is with Zia Hannah and Cadence, where Hannah seems to be putting the blame on Cade for something. For shame, Hannah.

Seriously, those bubbles were as fun as they were photographable. (Real word. I'm sure of it.)

This is Veevs with Roger and although they are clearly laughing to the point of pee (please don't pee in the bubbles), I wish I had a picture of him chasing her around the bouncy castle - that was hysterical. And exhausting; even from the sidelines.

There were of course tons of activities, like face painting (this woman was awesome, she did super realistic Disney characters and everything... though can a Disney character be realistic? Does that make sense? I digress.)

You could also hug your cute friend from dance class if you wanted!

Case in point, here I am hugging my cute friend from dance class. (Hannah, not the cow.)

Don't forget the huge variety of climbing things and swinging things and building things, and kids trying to grab your building things right out from under you how dare they. (Shea is gonna cut somebody.)

But most importantly... there was cake.

I'm just kidding, most importantly there was Veronica! I have no idea what she's wishing for, but I feel confident that she'll get it... if we have anything to do with it.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Three Videos of V

I really hope these post okay, because they're stupid cute.

So that's Veronica serenading a little birthday magic your way. Feel free to re-play on your own special day.

That's her singing a joyful noise unto the world.

That last one is my favorite, because it has the absurdist position that small children (and men like Ernie) assume, and then ends with V's patented devil grin. Love it.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sleeping Shot

I definitely need to do an in-depth post ASAPizzle, but couldn't resist in putting this picture up now...

Amanda just sent it and I am swooning a bit so thought I should share.


Friday, February 19, 2010

Goodbye Chester, We Love You So Much

Yesterday, on February 18th, Amanda's beloved dog Chester passed away. Although he'd been taking on some rather endearing geriatric traits lately (a slower gait, trouble climbing onto the couch, etc), the end was much too fast.

Chester was hands down the best dog I ever knew.

He was loyal and trusting and gentle, he always wanted to be close to everybody. And I mean really close. Like under-your-feet-constantly close.

I know a lot of people think their pets are their perfect match, but Chester was destined to be Amanda's dog. He chose her himself, not the other way around.

When Amanda was working in the desert on The Hulk, this dog kept circling around but it took him awhile to get the courage to get near people - probably because he had recently been shot.

When he finally did come in, he came to Amanda's side and then never left it again.

Chester was the first one who knew about Veronica.

He knew before even Amanda knew.

He kept nuzzling Amanda in the belly, staying even closer to her than usual (which is saying a lot; as I mentioned, that big dog could stick to you like velcro). So when she discovered she was growing little V, it all made sense.

And although there was a little adjustment period, I don't think a dog has ever loved a little baby more than Chester loved Veronica.

From the day she came home, he was patient and gentle with her.

Always nearby to keep her safe, and to keep her warm.

Veronica tweaked his ears and pushed his tummy and pulled his hair, but Chester always stayed calm and his name was one of the first she learned.

They were good buddies, because Chester was family. Chester was her brother.

Understandably, little V is hurting over Chester's loss, too.

I wish this was a lesson she never had to learn, but I guess that's the way of the world. Amanda says she has been crying since it happened, saying "Chester come back".

I hope her heart feels better soon.

I hope everyone's hearts feel better soon. Chester took up a lot of space in those hearts; that void is cavernous.

A world without Chester is a little colder. A little less snuggly.

He was the consummate gentleman, a listener of woes. He was an emotional litmus, and always reacted the right way.

Chester was docile enough to be playful, and let you do obnoxious things like put baby shoes on him...

Or dress him up like a reindeer...

Humiliating. But he'd always take one for the team that way.

I'm glad that after what certainly seems like a hard beginning in life, that Chester ended up in a family where he was so loved, so taken care of, so comfortable.

The room at Team Gore HQ will seem woefully off balance without Chester holding down the center, but I know to my core that he got into puppy heaven quicker than almost any other puppy ever. (Except maybe one of those dogs that dial 911, but that's it.)

So goodbye, Chester. You were sweet and patient and loving and loyal, and we were lucky to have you and will miss you so much.

Good boy. You're a good boy.