That's right, that's DJ LANCE ROCK, y'all. In the flesh! Carrying around our girl!
Veronica, of course, was nonplussed. Ain't no thang to her, she's been rocking those shades for months.
Something she can get excited about? Avocado sushi. Girl after my own heart. Also bringing on the total Amanda-style manic grins (and she does this a lot, she is one happy little beast)...
Friends & forts...
Dorky glasses & big eyebrows...
And being turned into a bunny at Alabama's awesome birthday party!
She's also capable of more pensive looks, which is fitting considering her ever growing vocabulary (and her even newer ability to process and respond to in-depth questions). Here she is pondering the meaning of life and the origin of species while staring out a train window (she hearts trains big time).
And here she is questioning gender roles and the continued existence of the glass ceiling while enjoying a lollipop. Oh, and she gets a new one of these sweaters every year as they are our favorite (and hers).
Fear not, all of that conjecture and philosophizing doesn't slow down her social skills! V loves an outing and being around the big kids, and the Hollywood Christmas Parade was a perfect place for that.
Um, this hat kills me and needs no funny-funny caption. SO EFFING CUTE.
Independence, big words, alone time, cognitive & rational thought... whatever. At the end of the day, she's still our favorite baby. COME ON! Look at this girl! Sigh 4-evah.