Okay, sadly, this pic wasn't taken at my office because we are sorely lacking in fun toys here. But Amanda emailed it and I couldn't resist its happy joy joy so had to post it. (Which also reminds me of the non-joy-joy that is Kathleen being sick - feel better soon!)
This, however, is Veronica at my office! Look how she is happy sweetness no matter where she is! (And let that help you ignore how I am greasy tiredness!)
Look at the cute! She totally channeled her inner-explorer and charmed everyone here. She was also rocking some sweet pigtails (Amanda said yesterday alone she had to re-do them 17 times). To me, she looks like an even more cuddly version of Boo from Monsters, Inc.
See... V is way cuter.
Cuter AND more active. I tried so hard to get her to stare into the tiny little web cam, but she was not having it. Bo-ring!
Can't blame me for trying! She's becoming less and less of a Baby and more and more of a Little Girl... oy vey.
My favorite moment of all came when Saucy got down for some bonding and V was just not having it. This photo is too brilliant for words.
Am I right or am I right?