Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Take Your Veronica To Work Day

I had the best ever surprise today - Amanda and Veronica visited me at work!

Okay, sadly, this pic wasn't taken at my office because we are sorely lacking in fun toys here. But Amanda emailed it and I couldn't resist its happy joy joy so had to post it. (Which also reminds me of the non-joy-joy that is Kathleen being sick - feel better soon!)

This, however, is Veronica at my office! Look how she is happy sweetness no matter where she is! (And let that help you ignore how I am greasy tiredness!)

Look at the cute! She totally channeled her inner-explorer and charmed everyone here. She was also rocking some sweet pigtails (Amanda said yesterday alone she had to re-do them 17 times). To me, she looks like an even more cuddly version of Boo from Monsters, Inc.

See... V is way cuter.

Cuter AND more active. I tried so hard to get her to stare into the tiny little web cam, but she was not having it. Bo-ring!

Can't blame me for trying! She's becoming less and less of a Baby and more and more of a Little Girl... oy vey.

My favorite moment of all came when Saucy got down for some bonding and V was just not having it. This photo is too brilliant for words.

Am I right or am I right?


Thursday, October 16, 2008

World Festival of Sacred Music

First off, you've probably heard, but Kathleen and Ernie were granted their own sliver of a miracle during the fires that ambushed parts of Southern California last week. They had to flee their house when the flames were flying up and over the yard, and it seemed as if their home was a goner for sure. She left the sprinklers going on the rooftop when they left, but many houses nearby where already being engulfed so they had very little hope... yet they made it through and their house is still standing! The yard has suffered, but it really is a moment of grace. Kathleen is currently "Grateful in Chatsworth", but I was definitely breathing easier myself hearing that they were okay.

Veronica is no doubt also very thankful that her Pops and Uma are safe, and their beautiful home was protected.

Now these are a couple of weeks old (from the World Festival of Sacred Music) but they're so great and Kathleen had a really good story to go with them.

She and Amber took Sweet V on opening weekend (when the cool kids go), and there was a little boy sitting on a lap two seats away... and the flirtation was on!

They were apparently besotted with each other from the very start, and then finally got to meet at a break between acts. (Her face when he's tickling her feet is KILLING me!)

She's got a gift, what can we say... in Kathleen's own words, "They got to walk around together but alas, no pix. She also chanted during the Thai performance. She was moved by their voices and chimed in, much to Auntie's embarrassment and my delight. Age rocks!"

Veronica is more and more mobile, and more and more taking after the different members of her family. This is her trying to work her way up to Chester's earlier creation:

Hopefully she won't have the strength (or desire) to take it to that level for quite some while!

Not that we wouldn't forgive her right away... look at that face!


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

More 80s Fabulousness

Amanda and Kathleen have sent me a boatload of amazing new pics, but I need to tide everyone over with just another little sprinkling of 80s bliss.

These are pics from Christy Gurlington's birthday party (in her most amazing apartment in the world). You can see how attached Amanda is to the Pink Sweatshirt From Heaven, but I think V is the one who wins in her little off the shoulder number.

Cuddle! Cuddle the baby while rocking awesome socks! (And seriously, are you understanding the awesomeness of this apartment yet??)

That's a drink list on the right, and these drinks always have hilarious theme names, you really should all get notes from Christy on how to do this sort of thing properly. Incidentally, V looks a little comfortable chilling on the bar for my taste.

Best. Accessory. Ever. (And that's saying a lot when people put this much effort into it.)

Birthday girl! Fabulous! ... and now, for something completely different.

Veronica as a babuschka!

So effing cute.
