Monday, August 25, 2008

Adventures in a Chair

A lot of kids are cute. But how many of them are ridiculously cute in a ridiculous number of ways, all while rocking the same bright shirt?

This is Veronica and her chair and her grin and her blue shirt.

Additional accessories: Auntie and a slouch. Result: still ferociously cute.

Look! No hands and cute!

Guilty... dirty... and cute!

Who me, blow your mind with the cute? (And the dirty?)

Think think think... what is the word I'm forgetting?

Oh, duh. Cute! I mean really, filthy as a street urchin and still kissable beyond words.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Growing Monster of Cuteness

Veronica is on a rampage, and she's bringing Nico with her!

Free her if you dare. If you dare to fight your own snuggling compulsion, that is...

Who's the happiest? And the cutest? I think you know.

Seriously, she is perfection. Right, auntie?

Auntie agrees... V is the cutest at sleeping:

(For real on the sleeping!):

She is also cutest at compiling ingredients on the floor with her dog:

At Disneylanding (with her friend Deb):

At smirking:

At being adored by grandmother:

At bedhead:

At messy eating:

At biking (with uncle Chet):

At sitting up/being the main course:

At being a lady:

And finally, at floating:

In your face, other babies! Veronica is the Ultimate Monster of Cuteness!


Wednesday, August 6, 2008