Although I don't know why she was reticent, if I had hair that good I would be forcing strangers to take my picture. John, on the other hand, was a "calming influence" in the words of Amanda and you can see that Veronica agrees. Of course, she was quite happy snuggling with Carole so it's pretty much a draw.
On Christmas Eve, Amber got to flex her crafty skills and laid out a charming seasonal tablescape (I learned that word from the Food Network). So pretty!
Oh, and it doesn't stop with just the table itself, people. You have to remember Amber's attention to detail... like when she dressed the chairs to set off the red Christmas tree.
Or the mantle, which she did in snowy whites, crystals and blue. Come on! Who decorates the MANTLE? (To be fair, I am easily impressed as the extent of my Xmas decorating entailed putting up the cards that were sent to me.... but this stuff is purty and I'm not afraid to say it.)
If you wonder why Amber is not posing in front of any of her work, it's because she's going into seclusion until March so you can't take her picture until then. She's kind of like a leprechaun; I think it's good luck if you do catch a shot of her. Anyway, her eye for the small things found its biggest triumph in the creation of Team Gore's first kid's table... all for Veronica.
Come on, that's adorable! Trying to top the hilarious cuteness was Grandma Kathleen at the Water Horse on Christmas Day... taking full advantage of the promotional cut-out in the lobby. This would be funny and ridiculous regardless, but the fact that she's in her pajamas with pigtails really sells it.
Now, every year Kathleen gets a picture of her girls with Santa, and Amber and Amanda wanted to make sure the tradition stayed alive this year, so they recruited a very special Santa. One who is jolly, and fond of fabrics, and appreciates that even St. Nick should have some magical, sparkling red slippers.
Who is it that is embracing this hallowed role with such aplomb and respect? We'll never tell. But I will do my best to get the final product up here at some point, as it's hilarious yet still really sweet.
Now, to cleanse your palate I will leave you with little V and her reindeer.
Sweet, sweet!